About Me
WARNING: The following content may contain melodramatic representations and/or terminology. The author takes no responsibility for any emotions that it may invoke.
Continue at your own risk...
Rich Næson
ich was born on a cold winter evening in upstate NY.
By the time he was a teenager he had found his passion for writing.
In the fairy tale, Rich would have become a young writer, who has since serenaded the world many times over with his truly thought provoking, inspirational tales of adventure, love, and the unbreakable human spirit. His work would have infected the hearts and minds of readers all across the globe.
In reality, Rich got a job instead. He spent the next 25 years of his life focused on building a career in Information Technology. It was during this time that his then smothered passion for writing was stoked once more by the gusting winds of change.
In need of a distraction from some deep reflection after brushing the very horizon of burnout, Rich started writing seriously for the first time in his life. And like his love for reading, the essence of that once mere diversion, when submerged in the flames of his passion, combusted, becoming the catalyst of something else entirely. The more words that spilled from his pen (a.k.a keyboard), the more words flooded into his mind. What was once, but only a simple escape, was now in epic proportions, a part of the amalgamation that was his life.
This site is just but one of the many manifestations of that ever evolving metamorphosis.
P.S. Yes... the font is Comic Sans; and yes, it was intentional...
[drop the mic]
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